Your 15 minutes of Wedding Planning

I’ve had such a great time answering wedding questions on The Broke Ass Bride every week. But you know what’s missing? YOU. You have a question about your wedding. What is it? You need wedding advice. About what? Is it the timing for the day? Invitation wording? How to handle your slightly demented future sister-in law? Where you can find cheap chivari chairs in Los Angeles? Seriously, what’s bugging you about your wedding?

Let’s talk about it.

This Thursday, April 28th, between 12pm – 2pm (PST) you have the opportunity to pick my brain for 15 minutes, about anything related to your wedding. And it’s totally free, all you have to do is dial 323-592-9318. If the line is busy, leave a message and I’ll call you back when I’m done helping the bride ahead of you. It’s your 15 minutes of wedding planning. Whaddya need?

Noon To Two.
Be There or Be Baffled.

Any questions? Email me at
Or? Just call me on Thursday.

See you at the end of the aisle,

Liz Coopersmith
Silver Charm Events
Pictures: B&G Photography, SDK Photo

Ready to get started? Tell me more about you and your wedding.

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