The Friday Round-Up

Molly at Luminaire Images took pity on me and sent over these much better pics from the Premier Bridal Event on Sunday. Yumminess is all by Cake Studio.

And don’t forget – My open house is tomorrow from 10am – 2pm in Pasadena. Free half-hour consultations, but you must make an appointment. Email me at or text me at 310-801-3602.

Over at The Broke Ass Bride, I’m talking about DJ DIY, and here some more great resources I found:

Fehr Trade – Melissa breaks down how she did it, and adds a very valuable tip – lock your computer, ipod, itouch, whatever you’re using, to prevent people from messing with your playlist. Plus, she has links to a lot of the songs she used, which is awesome for people like me with music compulsive disorder.

A Practical Wedding – Meg points out that you will have this playlist forever, so add one more thing that you get to keep from the day – Photos, husband, ring, playlist. Check!

Affairs with Elegance – List of all the different “event” songs you’ll need for your wedding.

And, again, AMAZON. FREE MUSIC. GO!!!

See you at the end of the aisle,

Liz Coopersmith
Silver Charm Events

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