Wedding Wise Wednesday – November 3, 2010

Every Wednesday, I give you the coolest wedding stories, deals and events in Los Angeles and around the web. And we call it Wedding Wise Wednesday. Welcome!

Aww, my last teleclass is tonight at 7pm! I’m going to be talking about wedding Photography with Jen Beggreen of B & G Photography, and what you need to know to get the most out of it, before you book and afterward. Jen is awesome, and this is going to be fun. Registration is free, you just need to sign up to get the call-in number, and get your questions answered.

Cool Wedding Thing of the Week – As Wedzu! Think of it as for weddings, and everyone knows how much I love (okay, am completely obsessed with) Original and beautiful handmade and indie wedding items and accessories. I am pretty much in love with this ring pillow, so someone needs to snap it up, pronto.

Runner-up? Elizabeth and Tommy’s Lakers-Themed Wedding, courtesy of Project Wedding and Style Unveiled. I just love what you guys come up with. Check out the place cards!

The Events:

Friday, November 4th
6:00pm – 10:00pm
Cake Pop LA’s 2nd year anniversary!
4675 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90027

Oh, I think I’m going to have to go to this, I LOVE these things. Cake Pop LA is celebrating their 2nd year anniversary and premiering the November presentation of Paper Trail. Join them for a night of food, art and CAKE POPS!

Sunday, Nov 7
11:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Premier Bridal Shows
LA Marriott Downtown
333 S. Figueroa Street
Los Angeles , CA 90071
Price: $10 at the door $5 if you pre-register

Bridal Showplace
11am to 4pm
Hilton Hotel – Pasadena,
168 S. Los Robles Avenue
Pasadena, CA is hooking you up, enter in “MCOM7″ in Line 8 when you pre-register to get a FREE ticket.

The Deals: is offering a Friends and Family discount of 25%, now until 12/31. Use the code 25LEAH at check-out.

And what’s up with the Knot? Well, this week’s special is 30% off customized candy favors, AND if you spend $100 or more total in the shop, you can use the code LUV25 to save $25 off your order. You’re welcome!

See you at the end of the aisle (and on tonight’s call)

Liz Coopersmith
Silver Charm Events

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