The 10k Wedding, Re-Visited

My guest post on explores the lure of the $10,000 wedding, so I decided to re-post one of my first posts on the subject:

Sunday, November 29, 2009
The $10,000 Wedding – Seriously.
Hey! Look What I Found:

So, I’m prepping for the re-launch of the Recession Bride’s Workshop on Thursday, so I’ve been updating and revamping all the materials that I give the participants. And, in looking at my own teaching materials, I knew, somewhere, that I’d broken down what a $10,00 wedding budget for 100 guests looks like. And I did, and here it is:

Ladies and Gentlemen, The $10,000 budget:

50% – Ceremony and Reception – $5000
Site Fee – $1200
Food – $3800
which breaks down to $38 per person, INCLUDING standard 9.75% tax
and 20% service,$29.35 base without tax and service OR, if there is no site
fee, only a charge per person for food, $38.50 per person.

$5,000 for everything else:
10% – Photography – $1000
10% – Attire – $1000
10% – Flowers – $1000
10% – Music – $1000
5% – Cake – $500 ($5.00 a slice)
5% – Invitations – $500

That second half is where you get your wiggle room, that’s where you can find your deals. Where, you might ask? I’ll tell you all about it during the workshop call, I promise.

Ready to get started? Tell me more about you and your wedding.

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