Bride Wrangling vs. Bridal Blogging

Hey, my guest post on is up, check it out.

So, I’ve been so busy working with my girls and boys that I haven’t had time to blog. Which I really don’t think is a bad thing:
– Eve and Adam’s Invitations. Was up all night on Thursday getting those done. Probably would have helped if I hadn’t started at midnight.
– Ellen and Patrick’s everything. Wedding’s in three weeks. Serious crunch time on their time line and pulling all the pieces together.
– Christina and Owen. Chris got her dress, so she’s solid for now, whew!

Looking forward to the bridal bootcamp tomorrow, and the wedding mixer tomorrow, and my guitar lessons tomorrow. Sunday is relaxing with my boy and then having dinner with friends at Disneyland. I have an annual pass, with parking. Jealous? Hopefully I can get a ride on It’s a Small World in there somewhere, too.

So, to tide you over, here’s a pic of me in that Caroline Herrera wedding dress I keep talking about that’s just languishing in Burbank. I couldn’t resist. It will look much better on you, I’m sure. For one, thing, it will probably actually fit you. And the does the Apple store give lessons on how to take better pictures with the iphone? You’d think there would at least be an app for that.

See you (and Ellen and Patrick and Adam and Eve and Christina and Owen) at the end of the aisle,

Liz Coopersmith
Silver Charm Events

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