Wedding Wise Wednesday – It's Fall! Don't You LOVE this weather?

So happy! I put on socks for the first time yesterday, and my husband made a big bowl of butternut squash soup for dinner. The only one in my household who’s not thrilled is our dog, Hailey, who just got her fur trimmed last week and is now spending most of her time curled up in a shivering little ball, peering up at me mournfully. Gonna have to time that better next year. Sorry, Hailey.
Today at 6:30pm is my first Charmed Circle Consultation call, your chance to ask a wedding professional (that would be me), any and all questions you have about your wedding. RSVP to, to be entered in a drawing to win the newest copy of Here Comes the Guide, and the gift bag I got at Sunday’s bridal show, which has over $1000 worth of discounts and coupons from some of California’s best wedding vendors. Get your entry in before 2pm today. For more info and the call-in number for tonight, go to

Squee of the Week:

Oh, my God, is this not the prettiest rose you have ever seen? It’s called the Circus Rose, just the perfect Fall wedding flower, and it’s praises as such are being sung loud and clear right now on Wedding Aces.

Wedding Shoes For 20 bucks. Need I say more?
Shelley George is having a clearance sale on all their shoes and handbags – everything is $19.99. You’re Welcome! And thanks to the new love of my life, Laptop Bride, for the tip.

Organic = Eco-Friendly = SAVINGS!
Wedvert – is proving this once again with their article, “10 easy ways to save on organic flower arrangements”. My favorite? Asking your guests to pluck the flowers from your table arrangements to toss during your send-off at the end of the reception.

The Events:
Rose Petal Bridal
Weekend Blowout Sale
Oct 9 – 11, 2009
12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
They’re making way for new inventory, which means you get to save up to 75% on the old inventory. GO.
10212 Riverside Drive
Toluca Lake, CA 91602

No Wedding Wise Wednesday next week, since I’m out of town. Well, not so much out of town as out of the country – Italy. I know, right? I’ll send pictures!

See you at the end of the aisle,

Liz C.

Ready to get started? Tell me more about you and your wedding.

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