A Great Weekend
Posted: June 15, 2009
We had a Full-House at The Recession Bride’s Workshop” on Sunday, and a great time was had by all. Phoenix Bakery
supplied the cake, Deanna Deacon from 701 Kitchen supplied the drinks (Port and Champagne, The Recession Bride’s Cocktail, and hard and soft lemonade – it’s a wonder that everyone was able to write as many notes as they did), and Wisteria Lane gave us an absolutely beautiful centerpiece for the table. More on that centerpiece when I get the picture of it, because it really was a great example of how you can pay less for wedding flowers.
The next workshop is July 19th, same bat time, same bat channel. There’s a $10 discount for early registration if you sign up from now until June 25th, so take advantage of it by entering the code “WedCharmEarly” at checkout.
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