A Week in the Life: Tuesday and Wednesday – Two Birds, One Stone

If Tuesday was indication, apparently I’m going to be having a lot of fun this week while I’m working on August’s weddings. Monday was dresses with Ally. Today?  Dinner and  a tour of The Federal Bar and The Loft on Pine in Long Beach, with Beverly Harris and the #plannercode wedding planner group. Kind of great for me on a couple levels – always great to hang out with other wedding planners, for one. Zane is out filming, now I had dinner plans. And, three, I had to talk to the venue manager at The Loft anyway about my 8/31 wedding there.

The #PlannerCode group in the bridal room of The Loft on Pine.
With champagne, of course.

I also made a few more edits to Amy and Mary Ann’s wedding ceremony in Corona Del Mar on the 17th. They had a commitment ceremony a few years ago, and I did a lot of editing it down to create a shorter script for them. My favorite part of their past ceremony is this:

The institution of marriage was begun so that two loving hearts would be allowed to grow into one, learning to accept and share their joy and strengths. Mary Ann, Amy, you do not know what the future holds, but as long as you have each other, the journey will always be your reward. 

I also did a bunch of prep for my Thursday meeting at Altadena with Shaunicie and Sinclair, the big balances, layouts and bar meeting. Where is everything and everyone going at the reception? Which bar package are they going with, and what are the cost estimates that they’re looking at? I’ve also gotten most of the vendor balances that are due, so there will be lots of talk about logistics, too. Stay tuned…

See you at the end of the aisle,  
Liz Coopersmith
Silver Charm Events

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