5 Things I'll Remind You to Do If I'm Officiating Your Wedding

Alexa + John + Me. LOVE IT. Photo: Laurel Isle Photography

I’ve been officiating weddings for a couple of years, and I LOVE it. And not to overuse the word (too late) but I love it because of all the Love. It’s a long day, and there are a lot of questions and stress management and logistics and checkoff boxes, and  worrying and choosing and rejecting and relationship management and STUFF on the way to the end of the aisle. But, man, once you get there, it’s all Love. That’s the moment ehen when you realize that it’s going to be okay, because you’re finally there to do what you came there to do: Marry the Love of your life in front of your family and friends. I like being center stage for the relief.

There are five reminders I give all of my couples before I meet them at the altar, so they can  to make it an even better, calmer experience:

1. Check the rings. Double-check the readings. Who is going to have your rings, and how will they know to give them to you? Are your readers bringing their passages with them? I usually keep readings, and sometimes personal vows in my leather binder, so I can hand it to each person at the right time. But definitely figure out what you’re going to work best for you.

2. When you get to the end of the aisle, huddle up. In other words, get close. Lots of couples get in front of me, and they’re standing 10 feet away from each other!  Hold hands and lean in. If you have a bouquet, give it  to your maid of honor. Yes, you may be blocking me from everyone else, but no one cares about me. And the only people who need to see me are you two.

3. No one knows that something went wrong unless you react to it. So, if the bridesmaids and groomsmen get out of order, or go through the wrong door, or the wrong music starts to play, you’re the only one who knows. Smile, keep moving. Laugh – laugh, okay? – about it later.

4. Kids are cute, no matter what they do. Cry, run, stand and stare, laugh, sing, or complain (I have a friend whose flower girl kept tugging her Mom/the Maid of honor’s dress and muttering, “Mama, let’s go!), they’re adorable. Everyone will tell you so. So, again, don’t get mad, keep moving. Their parents will apologize to you later.

5. Take a moment during your ceremony to look around and enjoy it. There’s a part in each of my ceremonies where I have you turn to your guests – your family and friends . “We learn to love by being loved,” I say,  acknowledging your gratitude to them for being there, and ask for their continued support during your marriage and life together. Feel it, feel the joy. It’s all there waiting for you.

If you’d like to find out more about me and my part of Wedding World, go to www.silvercharmevents.com, and let me know what you need.

See you at the end of the aisle,








Liz Coopersmith


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