Ask Liz: About Holiday Weekend Weddings
Posted: July 1, 2016
We’re moving this weekend, I’m officiating a wedding this weekend. And it’s Fourth of July Weekend. Oy. I’m punting: Here’s a column I wrote for the Broke Ass Bride a while back:

Photo: Lou Stein
Dear Liz:
We live in Los Angeles, and got officially engaged last month. We finally decided to get married out here, although we met in New York, he’s from Philadelphia, and my family is in Sacramento. We want to settle on a date before we start looking for places, and we were thinking either Memorial Day or Fourth of July Weekend. I know lots of people have set holiday plans, so is that a bad idea? On the other hand, it might be fun to have a “destination wedding” for everyone, especially since a lot of our friends and family on the East Coast haven’t had the chance to make it out here, yet. Should we stick with that idea, or pick another weekend that’s not going to be as travel intensive?
Something Red White and Blue?
Dear Blue,
I think the question you’re really trying to ask me is: Will people come to my wedding if I have it over a holiday weekend? And the answer is, yes, they will. Those dates are pretty popular. For the first time in a couple of years, I didn’t have a wedding on Memorial Day, but I have one this weekend, one on Labor Day weekend, and we booked two on Columbus Day weekend. With plenty of warning (as in, send out an email or save the date as soon as you book a venue) I think that holiday weekend weddings can be more convenient. Because, you know, for the most part it’s not going to take any more vacation time from work, unless they want it to. I know it may feel that you are forcing your guests to take a vacation at your wedding, but no one is forcing anyone to do anything. It’s a wedding invitation, not a subpoena. The universal truth of wedding RSVPS still apply: Those who can make it will, those who can’t for whatever reason, won’t. Plus, it will be a new and fun experience for people who haven’t been out here before. It’s Los Angeles. We have movie stars and beaches. It’s hot, but hardly ever humid, and rain is pretty rare. The people-watching, alone, is sheer entertainment. See what you can do to introduce them to your L.A., and they will have a great time. Apologize, in advance, for the 405, 101, and 10 freeways.
See you at the end of the aisle and Happy Fourth,
Liz Coopersmith
Silver Charm Events
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