Ask Liz: How to Hide the Ugly at Your Wedding
Posted: July 26, 2016
I am out of town this week, so I’m treating you to a few days of the most burning, burning questions from my advice column over the years. I wrote this for The Broke Ass Bride about four years ago, and it’s been repinned 7300 times on Pinterest. As you can imagine, I’m quite proud. 🙂 I’m also, personally, getting asked how to hide stuff. As a matter of fact, I have a follow-up question that I’m posting on Friday, so stay tuned. It’s not just how to do it, it’s also how to think about it.

Hide the Ugly with the OOH, PRETTY… Photo: Martha Stewart Weddings
Dear Liz,
My problem is that I found a great venue (and affordable!) But there’s a propane tank surrounded by chain link fence riiight next to the entrance to the ceremony site. I’m trying to come up with ideas to hide it.
Theories of a Big Bang
Dear Bang,
Two part solution: 1. Call your venue and tell (“ask” won’t work here) them that you want to cover it, and see what’s possible. If they don’t own it or it’s not on their property, find out whose property it’s on, and do the same thing. It could be owned by the city, or something like that. Odds are, you are not the first person to ask about that thing, so find out what the answer is. 2. If you can cover it, cover it. Drape it, cover the sides you can see with rented trees and plants, or get some ideas from the Pinterest board I created, Hiding The Ugly At Your Wedding. Don’t be afraid to use colors. You might have to erect poles or some sort of structure. If you don’t know how to do that yourself, ask your venue manager for the name of a rental company that might.
See you at the end of the aisle,
Liz Coopersmith
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