Ask Liz: Feeling Good About Your Wedding

The lists, the timeline, the pressure to have a beautiful, perfect day..the distraction of the shiny new thing on your finger. It’s wonderful, it’s overwhelming. It’s a whole lot of “GAH, how do I deal with all this??” Here are my best tips and cheerleading to help you take a deep breath or two on your way to the end of the aisle.  Always believe the awesome is there, because it is. You’ve got this.

A Love Letter to the Newbie Bride (and groom, too)

Huffington Post Weddings: The High Cost of Wedding Fear

The Broke-Ass Bride: Weeding Out Your Wedding Nightmares

And since I know you’re thinking about it:

Complicated Parents are Complicated

What other questions do you have right now about your wedding? Contact me and let me know what’s going on.

Happy New Year and I’ll see you at the end of the aisle,


screen-shot-2016-12-30-at-1-10-22-pmAre you following me on Instagram @lizcharm? You should.

Ready to get started? Tell me more about you and your wedding.

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