Ask Liz: Ring Anticipation and Altar Aggravation (Los Angeles Wedding Planner)

It’s Friday, which means my “Ask Liz” Advice Column on The Broke-Ass Bride is UP:

Dear Liz,
My boyfriend and I had a really brief conversation a few weeks ago about engagement and marriage, and he told me that it’s been on his mind too, that he didn’t bring it up because he wants it to be a surprise, and I quote, “Don’t worry. I have a plan.”  So obviously my heart went EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and I’ve been browsing wedding blogs ever since.  The problem is, I’m getting all excited and I can’t wait to share my wedding daydreams with him — but I still don’t know if he’ll be putting his plan in motion next week or next year! Am I putting the cart before the horse? I’m not one of those girls who has been planning her wedding since she was four — until I met my beau I would have laughed at even WANTING a proper wedding. Now I can barely hold it in. How do I avoid driving myself bug-nuts crazy, but still preserve the anticipation and let him keep the element of surprise?
Surprise Party
Dear Liz,
What do you do when your fiancé has no male friends to be a part of the wedding party? I feel like the only thing I am able to do is ask a sister of mine to stand up with us to hold the rings. Any suggestions for this situation?
None for One
See you at the end of the aisle, 
Liz Coopersmith
Silver Charm Events

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