I've been writing about weddings for 10+ years. Search by topic to find the advice you need.
Wedding Wise Weekly- March 4Every Week I bring you the best wedding stories, events and deals in Los Angeles and from around the web. And we call it Wedding Wise Weekly Welcome!Cool Wedding Thing of the Week:Wondering what to do with your wedding dress after the Big Day? Well, you can turn it into lingerie. Yeah, I’m serious. Old… |
Tuesday Tip- Three Questions to Ask Potential CaterersPhoto: Honey Honey Photography I’ve got a few couples that are looking at caterers right now, and the same questions issues keep popping up. It’s important to compare apples to apples, So, after you’ve got your list of initial list of three prospects, but before you get proposals from them, ask them these three questions:… |
Only You Can Prevent Worse Case Wedding ScenariosA little Flashback this weekend from one of my old BAB posts. Enjoy! Photo: Marissa Maharaj So, those of you who’ve been following me around know that I found my copy of The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Weddings this week, and have been laughing my butt off ever since. From how to get handcuffs… |
Wedding Tech vs. Your Wedding GuestsMy weekly advice column on The Broke Ass Bride is Up: Obviously, technology plays a huge part in our lives, but there’s a lot of corners you can find yourself banging into when it comes to tech in Wedding World. Look, first it started with personal wedding websites and online gift registries. Then e-vites and… |
Wedding Wise Weekly – February 18Every week I bring you the coolest wedding stories, events and deals in Los Angeles and from around the web. And we call it Wedding Wise Weekly. Welcome! Cool Wedding Thing of the Week: [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j9VwBKT9po&w=320&h=266] Superfine Bakery: One of my favorite bakeries just made a video about how to cut a wedding cake. Something special… |
Tuesday Tip + My Wedding Weekend and Calculating Venue TimeRight now, I’m working with a couple that’s getting married in six (!) weeks in front of 25 guests. And they need everything. Venue, catering, photographer, EVERYTHING. We looked at four venues in DTLA on Monday, and it looks like they made their choice. But every venue had a restriction on the number of hours… |
Wedding Photography: The Unknown UnknownsMy weekly column on The Broke Ass Bride is up! Photo: Chasing Glimpses Weddings are complicated creatures. There are a there a lot of things about your wedding that you can extrapolate from real life, and a lot of that you can find out by asking obvious questions. But there are also the unknown unknowns, the… |
Tuesday Tip Day: What Two Questions Should You ALWAYS Ask?How many guests will this cake serve? Dunno. Ask.Photo: Weddings with Zsa Zsa Let’s face it: Everyone is afraid of looking stupid. Not knowing what to do, doing the wrong thing. But you should never let the fear of looking stupid over something you think you’re supposed to know interfere with finding out what you need to… |
Ask Liz Archives: Bring the Pretty, Hide the UglyPhoto: Vic bon Vicini photograpy From one of my advice column on the The Broke Ass Bride: Dear Liz, My problem is that I found a great venue (and affordable!) But there’s a propane tank surrounded by chain link fence riiight next to the entrance to the ceremony site. I’m trying to come up with ideas… |
Wedding Wise Weekly – February 6Every week I give you the best wedding stories, events and deals in Los Angeles and from around the web. And we call it Wedding Wise Weekly. Welcome! Cool Wedding Thing of the Week: Photos: Caca Santoro Photography Green Weddings: Jennifer and Joshua’s Showstopping Star Wars Wedding. Geek Girl Squeeee! The Stormtroopers! The Flower Girls… |