I've been writing about weddings for 10+ years. Search by topic to find the advice you need.
Wedding Wise Wednesday – April 27Every Wednesday, I bring you the best wedding stories, events and deals in Los Angeles and around the web. And we call it Wedding Wise Wednesday. Welcome!The Important Stuff: I’ve come late to the William and Kate show, but two days out and I’m all over it. So, When is the Royal Wedding Playing in… |
Your 15 minutes of Wedding PlanningYes!I’ve had such a great time answering wedding questions on The Broke Ass Bride every week. But you know what’s missing? YOU. You have a question about your wedding. What is it? You need wedding advice. About what? Is it the timing for the day? Invitation wording? How to handle your slightly demented future sister-in… |
Wedding Wise Wednesday – April 20Every Wednesday I bring you the best wedding stories, events and deals in Los Angeles and around the web. And we call it Wedding Wise Wednesday. Welcome! Cool Wedding Thing of the Week: Coffee Shop Wedding on The Charity Wedding. Another one of those things I’d wished I’d thought of, first, or second even. So…pretty…. |
My Wedding WeekendNikki and Andrew got married! So, that was pretty much my weekend. 🙂 For some more great pics of them, check out B&G’s Facebook page. The wedding could not have gone better – full dance floor (at one point, Andrew was breakdancing, or at least attempting to), busy bar, and beautiful, beautiful weather. Nikki kept… |
Wedding Wise Wednesday – April 13Every Wednesday I bring you the best wedding stories, deals and events I find in L.A. and around the web. And we call it Wedding Wise Wednesday. Welcome! Cool Wedding Thing of the Week: Really doesn’t need an explanation. I mean, seriously. Yet another thing I have to convince one of my brides to do,… |
Molly's Favorite Engagement Shoot PlacesAh, Molly Ann, she of my favorite Ring Shot ever. Take it away: In the earlier days of my wedding photography career, I used to have two or three favorite sites to photograph engagement sessions. The light and backgrounds were always great and I knew where to go and how to pose the couple so… |
Wedding Wise Wednesday – March 30Every Wednesday I bring you the best wedding stories, deals and events in Los Angeles and around the web. And we call it Wedding Wise Wednesday. Welcome! Cool Wedding Thing of the Week: BridalSnob’s upside down glass goblet centerpieces. THE most gorgeous thing. I’m going to try and replicate it in my office this week…. |
Jen's Favorite Engagement Shoot PlacesAnother one of my favorite photographers, JenBerggren of B & G Photography, weighs in with her favorite places to shoot engagement pictures: Honestly, my favorite spots to shoot are places than mean something to my clients. A favorite place they like to hang/hike/do whatever, their first date spot or a spot that inspires them. I… |
Wedding Wise Wednesday – March 23Every Wednesday I bring you the best wedding stories, events and deals in Los Angeles and around the web. And we call it Wedding Wise Wednesday. Welcome! Cool Wedding Thing of the Week: The Broke Ass Bride – YiOu and Sean’s Marathon Wedding. Race enthusiasts get married in their own way – by running there…. |