I've been writing about weddings for 10+ years. Search by topic to find the advice you need.
Wedding Wise Wednesday – June 2ndEvery Wednesday, I post the best wedding deals, events and stories in Los Angeles and around the web, and we call it Wedding Wise Wednesday. Welcome!I love this idea, and I didn’t get the chance to post it last week. Tammy Young – geekybride on twitter and self-proclaimed “professional MacGyver” is getting married in a… |
Leaving The Reception Early. Abby has her opinion, what's yours?Dear Abby | Early exit from wedding dinner draws fire from mother-in-lawBy JEANNE PHILLIPS DEAR ABBY: My mother-in-law is upset with my wife and me for sneaking out of a wedding reception early (before the dinner was served). There was a long delay between the reception and the dinner, and a DJ was playing loud,… |
The Recession Bride's Workshop – Let the Registration BeginFirst of all, it’s Friday, so read my guest post on The Broke Ass Bride,and find out how to combat Worst-Case Scenarios at your wedding. You’re welcome! So, I absolutely LOVED doing this workshop last summer. I loved talking to everyone, I loved being able to answer everyone’s specific questions about saving money on their… |
Wedding Wise Wednesday – May 26thEvery Wednesday I give you the best wedding deals and events in Los Angeles and around the web. And we call it Wedding Wise Wednesday. Welcome! This pic is from preownedweddingdresses.com‘s facebook page. The bride had her bridesmaids and family write good wishes on the bottom of her shoes before she walked down the aisle…. |
Recession Bride Tips from the Worst Case-Scenario HandbookDid you hear? My Recession Bride’s Workshop is back. Sunday, June 27th. Use code “wedcharmfive” for a $5 discount this week. You’re welcome! So, I was cleaning my office, and came across my copy The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook: WEDDINGS. . LOVE this book, because the advice is so matter of fact, the scenarios… |
Bride Wrangling vs. Bridal BloggingHey, my guest post on BrokeAssBride.com is up, check it out. So, I’ve been so busy working with my girls and boys that I haven’t had time to blog. Which I really don’t think is a bad thing:– Eve and Adam’s Invitations. Was up all night on Thursday getting those done. Probably would have helped… |
Wedding Wise Wednesday – May 19Every Wednesday I talk about the best wedding deals and events in Los Angeles and around the web. And we call it Wedding Wise Wednesday. Welcome! And let’s get interactive here – let me know in the comments which event you wanna go to, and which deal or discount you like the best. I wanna… |
Speaking of the DJ…Have you seen my guest post on Broke Ass Bride today? On the horrors of plastic surgery at bridal shows. Go. So, I twitter. You should follow me. And last Monday, as there is every Monday in twitter wedding vendor world, lots of reviews of last weekend’s weddings, and the pics and dresses and catering…. |
Wedding Wise Wednesday – May 12thEvery Wednesday, I bring you the best wedding events, deals and stories in Los Angeles and around the web. And we call in Wedding Wise Wednesday. Welcome! So, I’ve got two weddings coming up it in the next few weeks, and I love it, because that means that I’m busy. Busy is my favorite thing… |
"Why Can't Everyone Just Do What They Want?"Hey, Check out my latest guest blog post on The Broke Ass Bride. And to continue THAT conversation, Last Saturday I got together with my geekier friends (some of them are like, professional geeks, even. Like, I know the guy that made those Enterprise salt shakers in that bar scene in Star Trek) at Dinah’s… |