
LA Wedding Coordinator

The Fine Wedding Art of Herding Cats

What I mean is that at various times during your wedding, you will be moving multiple groups of people around, all of whom have their own priorities, own goals and own destinations. Not only do you feel pressure to get it all right, but your guests will, too. Give them the time and direction they…

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Wedding Wise Wednesday: A Hulk of Your Love

On Wednesdays I bring you the best wedding stories, deals and events in Los Angeles and from around the web. And we call it Wedding Wise Wednesday. Welcome! Cool Wedding Thing of the Week: Cuckoo Couples Photography: I just saw Thor: Ragnarok this weekend, and the green guy is all over, so this was ring…

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Wedding Wise Wednesday: IT's Right There!

On Wednesdays, I bring you the best wedding stories, deals and events in Los Angeles and from around the web. And we call it Wedding Wise Wednesday. Welcome! Cool Wedding Thing of the Week:   Huffington Post –  Jesse McLaren took his sister’s engagement pictures…and was kind enough to insert Pennywise the Clown into them.  Click…

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You Want Your Wedding Guests to Have Fun? You Go First.

It’s definitely in the top five worries that couples have: How do we make this fun for everyone? What if our guests don’t have a good time? What can we do? It’s a day built for fun, seriously. Free food, free alcohol,free dessert, your favorite people in the world in the room, everyone’s dressed up…

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Flashback Friday: Eugenia and Richard and Snoop

I’m going into another busy,busy week, so I’m multitasking again – #charmedwedding etsy challenge item (Day 29: Table Numbers) and a Flashback to Eugenia and Richard’s wedding at the Los Angeles Athletic Club. Their table names – Rap and R&B songs and artists – are still one of my favorites. The “Salt and Pepper” card is…

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Asking Liz: The Bar, The Rentals, And Where to Park

I’ve got a run of weddings coming up in the next six weeks, so I get questions… Liz, we’re bringing in all the alcohol for our bar, how do I find out how much alcohol we need? The first rule of the DIY bar: give the bartender what they’re comfortable with. Decide what you want…

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First Things First: This Week's Questions

Questions, I get questions… We want to have our marriage license delivered to us on our wedding day, but there isn’t time to get it done before the ceremony. Can we have it delivered and take care of the paperwork after the ceremony? In order to legally get married in California, you have to have…

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Three Things to Tell Your Friend The DJ

There is a circling debate in Wedding World about “friendors” – friends or relatives that take the place of a professional vendor at your wedding.  We all have horror stories about the aunt who catered the wedding but didn’t bring enough wait staff, or the family friend who provided the bouts but forgot the pins….

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Wedding Guests: The Human Beings In Your Spotlight

  One of my favorite wedding-related quotes is by photographer I worked with a couple of years ago, “There are three things no one wants to be at a wedding: First, last, or wrong.” Of course, it’s mostly you in the spotlight on your wedding day, but your guests feel the pressure, too.  Everyone wants…

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Ask Liz: Your Venue Manager vs. Your Coordinator. GO!

The original question came from my column  a ways back on The Broke Ass Bride. The answer has been updated, because there is so much more, you guys!   Dear Liz, I really like the idea of asking a friend to be a stage manager for the wedding, or possibly hiring a professional as a day-of…

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