Friday Wedding Dump
Posted: August 14, 2009
You know how every Friday, some big news story comes up that is the only thing anyone is talking about over the weekend, ’til Monday rolls around again? Personally,I love how, apparently, all news just STOPS over the weekend. Nothin’newsworthy EVER goes on on a Saturday or Sunday, nope.
Anyway. Here’s the wedding stories that you should be talking about all weekend:
100 Days to Plan a Wedding
Miss Houlihan, a lovely young lady in Tennessee, is planning her wedding in 100 days. Great blog, great posts, and she’s right about one thing – when you buy the DIY invite kits, make sure you realize how much is going into putting them together. It’s one thing to have to print them up,print up the envelopes and put them together and ship them off. It’s another to have to attach little ribbons to everything, and fold and gut them five or more times. One requires a lot more alcohol consumption than the other, which isn’t going to make any of it go faster. I’m just saying. She’s only got about 50 days to go!
Flowers on Mars is holding their Breath of Elegance show on Sunday,”Affordable wedding deals for that platinum wedding style.” And you know how I love that.
Del Rey Party Rental
4855 W. Rosecrans Ave
Hawthorne, CA
Sunday, August 16, 2009, 11:00am – 5:00pm. Go here for more info and to RSVP, or to their blog.
And last but not least, I went back to and put in “wedddings” in the search box to see the newest and coolest stuff they’ve got on sale right now. Yup, that should definitely keep you occupied for the next couple of days. Me, too, Man.
See you at the end of the aisle (and HEY, at the workshop next week!),
Liz C.
Ready to get started? Tell me more about you and your wedding.