How to Look Amazing in Your Wedding Pictures
Posted: April 19, 2016
I found this guest post in my “archives” yesterday. Since I’m going to be shooting new headshot pics in a couple of days, I thought this would be a good read for all of us. Chin forward and down, y’all.
I attended a wedding vendor showcase a few weeks ago, and I watched photographer Katie Jackson give this great presentation on how to pose for pictures. Could she put it into guest post form for me? I asked. Why, yes, yes could. And so she has:
With a camera around every corner these days, you need to be ready to look your best. And it is all the more important because these pictures are normally shared on Instagram, Facebook and other social media sites. So today, I’ve put together 3 simple tips for looking AMAZING in pictures when even the most novice photographer is behind the lens.
1. Shoulders Back and Stand Up Straight

Photo: Katie Jackson
Posture is so important when being photographed. Make sure to bring your shoulders back and stand/sit up as straight as possible. With good posture you look leaner and more confident and it is the fastest and easiest thing to do with the most significant results.
- Chin Out (must do at the same time as Tip #3 Chin Down!)
To avoid the dreaded double chin, keep your shoulders back and stick your chin out. Don’t stick it out too far, otherwise you will get a slight hunchback and risk looking like you are just trying to see something far away. But beware, if you don’t stick your chin out enough, the dreaded double chin just might find you.
- Chin Down (Must be done at the same time as Tip #2 Chin out!)
To avoid the dreaded double chin, many people will lift their chin up, which does in fact reduce the risk of double chin. However, lifting your head up also makes your eyes look smaller and your face look wider. To put your face in the most flattering position possible, stick your chin OUT and DOWN. Sticking your chin OUT and DOWN brings your eyes to the camera, making them appear bigger.
Now that you have your three tips to looking awesome in every picture you are ever in, let’s put them in to action with images of my dear friend, Kristen.
On the left, she has her chin up, which is making her eyes appear smaller and her face appear wider. On the right, she brings her chin out and down and instantly her eyes look bigger and her face looks slimmer:

Photo: Katie Jackson
On the left Kristen has her chin in. On the right, she brings her chin OUT AND DOWN. Her eyes look larger and her face looks slim:
So now that you have these tips drilled into your memory, practice them in the mirror a few times so you can use them the next time someone points a camera in your direction: SHOULDERS BACK, CHIN OUT, CHIN DOWN
Now, go out there and look fabulous. You’re welcome!
Katie Jackson is a wedding photographer in Los Angeles and Ventura County. She specializes in outdoor weddings for the romantic bride. You can find out more about her at, or visit her blog at
If you would like to learn more about me and my part of Wedding World, visit my website at
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