It's Delurk week, so delurk. Now, onto the Wedding Salon Review.

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That being said, last night I went to the Wedding Salon at the London in West Hollywood. I’ve been to this show once before, last September, and it’s one of my favorite high-end shows. And a lot of my favorite wedding vendors were there, too, who you’ve seen over and over in this blog – Hansen’s Cakes (so popular, that they had to run out about a couple of hours in and get more cake from the bakery), Jobyna’s Bridal and R-Mine Bridal. Plus new fave Hpnotiq Liquor, who were handing out the cocktails. Let’s just say it was a good thing that the valet line to get out was so long, because those blue drinks were strong.
The Good:
I gotta tell you, I love that they dumped the fashion show idea and just had the girls wander the floor in their dresses, with cards and info about each design. Approachable girls in princess fluffy dresses give me a happy. The chairs that would normally be for the show were used by couples to chill and finish their cake and drinks.
The gift bags were fantastic, and they even let me have one even though I’m not a bride (a lot of shows won’t). Like, five samples of make-up, coupons, BOOKS, candy, and those awesome pop chips that I like.

The Bad:
Not so much “bad” as challenging, because it was a great show. But some of the brides I talked to did confess that the set-up was a little overwhelming. The show took place in two rooms and a patio area, all completely lined with vendor booths. With the all the decorations, and the bakeries passing out cake, and the sheer number of people, it got a little tight in there around 6pm. This is why I always try to go to these things early, but I don’t think that’s possible with an after-work show. Maybe try going a little later? Dunno. But everyone I talked to found vendors that they were really interested in, so it didn’t hurt too much.

The Ugly:
Wow. The valet line to get out. I’m glad I found parking on the street!

Tomorrow, I’m including the deals I found at the show in the Wedding Wise, so stay tuned.

And here’s a little story for you: I’m at the Hansen’s table, and the woman holding the tray of cupcakes gestures it towards me, so I can take one, even though she’s talking to someone else (who turned out to be a bride who went to my Recession Bride’s Workshop last summer. Small world.) I ate the cupcake in one fell swoop, pretty much, and started looking around for a trashcan. Still talking to the bride, cake lady took the wrapper from my hand, and when I started rubbing my fingers together to get the icing off, she offered the cloth on the cupcake tray for me to use to wipe them off. While still talking to the bride. Yeah. That’s what I call customer service.

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