My Favorite Posts of 2009

I have just LOVED writing the blog this year, and before I head off to a fabulous party with my friends this evening, here’s a list of my ten favorite blog posts, if I do say so myself:

10. Top Ten Green Wedding Tips
Best ways to green your wedding day. Reduse, recycle, reuse, baby.

9. The $28,000 Wedding
The average cost of a wedding in Los Angeles is $28,000, which sounds vaguely insane on the face of it. Let’s take a look at that breakdown, shall we?

8. The $10,000 Wedding
On the other end of the spectrum, the $10,000 wedding? A lot of people’s dream, and here’s how to make it possible.

7. How to Swing A Bridal Show
How to get the most out of Wedding Planning’s first rite of passage. Tons of them are coming up next month!

6. Review: Martha Stewart’s Online Wedding Expo
A great idea, pulled off almost flawlessly. Duh, it’s Martha!

5. Wedding Tree Guestbook
Just the most squee-worthy idea of 2009, ever. I will be pimping this idea until one of my bride’s does it.

4. The Quickie Wedding – Planning the Big Day in Six Months or Less
Totally doable, even with out of town guests. I planned my own wedding in 6 months, and the fastest wedding I ever coordinated professionally was in six weeks. And both weddings had guests that were coming from out of town. Here’s how to pull it off.

3. The FYI of DIY
This one is kinda cheating, because it’s not a post from my blog, but a guest post I wrote for L.A. Style Unveiled. What you need to know about your DIY wedding.

2.How to Survive Wearing High Heels on Your Wedding Day
Comfort is very important on the big day. Like you don’t have enough to think about with your feet hurting!

1. The Rice Crispy Wedding Cake
Just…Sigh. I’ve already got my friend Maeline working on making this one for me. For something. I haven’t decided for what, but I WILL be in the presence of one of these in the new year. I love it, because it IS DIY I could do, it WILL be delicious, and could you just imagine walking into a room and seeing this. Yumminess.

Also, much thanks to all the brides and grooms I worked with this year. You guys were wonderful, and it was an honor, not to mention tons of fun, to be a part of your wedding day. And what’s really cool is that tomorrow I get to perform a wedding ceremony in Laguna Beach, and I can’t think of a better way to start off the New Year. Can’t wait to see what the rest of 2010 has in store!

See you at the end of the aisle,

Liz Coopersmith
Silver Charm Events

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