My Wedding Weekend: Congratulations Tracy and Bobby!

Every wedding is unique. Every hotel wedding, every backyard wedding, every outdoor venue wedding is unique. But they all have this great energy of love and joy and anticipation – and your will, too.

Tracy and Bobby found me through Great Officiants, and I started talking to them about a month ago about their ceremony.
Every ceremony is unique, too. Although there are certain things that I have to say (for instance, asking you if you freely agreed to get married), and there are things I usually say (“We learn to love by being loved” – I want that engraved on a pillow some day), every couple makes different and subtle choices in their ceremonies that reflect their relationship.

And there is just always so much LOVE. Most of the weddings that I get to officiate are small. They are on a beach, or in a park, or in the Great Officiant’s chapel. There might not be that many people to witness, but they all bring so much to the day.

Tracy and Bobby were no different. Their wedding was last Saturday at Redondo Park in Long Beach, and their friends and family had set up a ring of flowers for the three of us to stand in, an aisle of hanging jars filled with roses, and were happily drinking champagne and cider when I arrived. Their ceremony was short but sweet, and filled with acknowledgements of the strength of their commitment to one another, and their appreciation for their family and friends that got them to this day. There was laughing, and everyone was grinning from ear to ear, and you know, it was just a great thing.
It’s what I love about working weddings, both as a planner and officiant, is that chance, and the ability, to help create a wonderful, happy wedding experience. You are here with me because of love, and that love should spread through your wedding day. And it does.

Congratulations, you two!

You can see a couple more pictures of their wedding on my page at

See you at the end of the aisle,

Liz Coopersmith
Silver Charm Events
Call/text 323-592-9318

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