Platinum Package – Let's Start at the Very Beginning

..a very good place to start. I’m working with a new couple, Ellen and Patrick, who want to get married next June. Outdoor wedding, 100 guests flying in from various parts of the country (They’re from Michigan). Next June is plenty of time you might say, right? Not exactly – they’re starting their medical internships at UCLA hardcore next week, so we only have a limited time to look at wedding sites, and find a wedding site, before their horrendous rotation schedules kick in.

The first place we looked at on Saturday was Adamson House in Malibu (bottom picture) Absolutely beautiful, as in, walk through the gates into a view of the ocean scented with flowers beautiful. You get what you pay for – it’s $6500 just to rent…the grounds. No access to the house itself. We got there at the end of the last tour, and just when they were setting up for a wedding. Another cool thing is that I ran into Tweeny from Flower Lab, so it was great seeing her again.

We moved on to Los Angeles River Center and Gardens (middle), or tried to, but they were closed …for a wedding. They start at $4500 to rent, and it, too is absolutely beautiful, so I was really glad that I was able to get an appointment to go and see it next Saturday. Ellen and Patrick have good taste. 🙂

On Sunday, we visited Orcutt Ranch (top), which is owned by the City of Los Angeles, so it’s only about $2500 to rent for the day. I coordinated Sarah and Pam’s wedding there a couple of years ago, and it really is a lovely place, right smack dab in the middle of a horticultural garden in the San Fernando valley.Right now, the garden is covered in roses. As it should be. Also, I have no idea what is up with the weird way blogger posts those pictures. It works if you think of it as descending order from cheapest to more expensive, so, let’s just go with that, shall we?

Remember, you only have until the 26th to sign up for July’s Recession Bride Workshop with the early bird discount and get $10 off. Just put in the code “WedCharmEarly” at checkout.

See you at the end of the aisle,

Liz C.

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