Supermarket Flowers into Wedding Day Dreams AND Confessions of a Wedding Planner
Posted: June 27, 2009
Great article on Real and Simple’s website about turning supermarket flowers into wedding boquets. “Real Simple” is right – even I could put these together, and they’re beautiful.
Cosmopolitan magazine has an article up on their website called, “Confessions of a Wedding Planner”, where the wedding planner in questions talks about five “red flags” that are signs that a couple is in trouble. Bottom line: COMMUNICATE. WITH EACH OTHER. And let your guy help pick the cake.
My confession as a wedding planner? I’m glad that Ellen and Patrick picked a wedding site. Yay! The winner was Adamson House, which wasn’t really a surprise, especially after I sent them pictures that Jen and Nate from B&G shot there last month. Totally brought the pretty, and Adamson house will give their midwest and east coast guests the quintessential California beach experience.
Ready to get started? Tell me more about you and your wedding.