Wedding Wise Wednesday – July 8
Posted: July 8, 2009
Decorating Your Reception for Less:
Budget Savvy Bride is one of my Recessionista heroes – Yesterday she broke down how she saved so much money on her wedding decorations. She only spent $142 on centerpieces for 15 tables. Some of it is DIY, but as I’ve said before, if I can do it (and I am by no means the craftiest person in any room), then I feel safe in passing it on to you. But she did what I tell my workshop couples to do – keep it simple. Simple is often beautiful, too.
DIY, Part Deux
But, if you are a DIY-er, like I am not, Maria at livejournal explains exactly how she made wedding centerpieces and bouquets for a friend of hers, on a budget of $500, including the equipment and materials she used, prep work, what worked and what didn’t,the works. Gorgeous results, too.
We Interrupt This Post for Something Really Funny:
Rob Greer, who I worked with last year at a wedding at Marvimon, decided to shoot Ken and Barbie’s wedding. I’m still laughing at the “standard” shots of Barbie’s shoes, and of Ken leaping over her head. Just awesome.
Free Shipping at Wedding Paper Divas:
Not only that, but Wedding Paper Divas is even going to let you combine the free shipping with a coupon for 10% off their signature collection, if you order by July 20th. Use the code “FREESHIP” for the well, shipping, and “Sale10” for the discount.
How to Weigh Zero Pounds on Your Wedding Day
Must be seen to be believed. Although I am wondering what they put for “location” on their marriage license…
We Interrupt This Post for the Coolest Wedding Invitations,Like, EVER:
Ariel over at Offbeat Bride just posted about a couple who sent out amazing, awesome 3-d view-finder invitations. Can you imagine getting a view finder in the mail? How cool is that? It makes me want to run out and rent the camera they used and 3-D everything. I dare you to resist the urge as well.
Bridal Shows, We’ve Got Bridal Shows!
Well, just one, actually, but it’s the biggest, by far. I’m even dropping by it, even though my sister-in-law’s wedding is a few hours later. Bride Expo L.A. County will be at the Los Angeles Convention Center this Saturday and Sunday, from 10am – 4pm both days. $10 admission, $8 if you register online.
That’s it for this week.Make sure to sign up for the Recession Bride’s Workshop on July 19th. You can use the code “WedCharmEarly” at checkout to get a $10 discount. Because really, why not start saving money right away? I’ll see you there!
Ready to get started? Tell me more about you and your wedding.