Wedding Wise Wednesday – March 24th

Every week I post the best wedding deals, stories and events that I find in Los Angeles and around the web. And we call it Wedding Wise Wednesday. Welcome!

So, you’re getting married, you’re a little overwhelmed,and you’re afraid that you’re going to get TOTALLY overwhelmed. Is it time to get some help? Set up a free consultation with me to talk about your wedding,and you’ll get a $10 gift certificate to Weddingish. It’s an old line, but still a good one: Crystal-covered cake cutters do not buy themselves. Email me at and we’ll set it up. Breathe.

Discounts vs. Contests
At the beginning of the fashion show at the Festival of Brides on Sunday, a young woman won an overnight stay at the Montage, which was great/ironic, because she’d already booked her wedding there. At the end of the show, the SAME girl won $1000 credit towards an Erin Cole dress. Hopefully, she ran right out and bought a lottery ticket. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of contests – I recently won a stay at the Pasadena Sheraton, which I’m planning to use as a one-woman corporate retreat next month. But there’s something about discounts. If the savings or bonuses are offered to everyone, it seems more…democratic. But I’m not much of a gambler, either – in Vegas I tend to shop, drink, inch slowly towards the quarter slots, drop two in and then run away – so take that with a grain of salt. People love the contests, there’s no doubt about that. That being said:

The Deals:

Wedding Sites! Here Comes The Guide has all the good stuff this week – The Neighborhood Church of Pasadena is offering a 10% discount on their rental fees if you have your wedding on a Friday or Sunday. Their rental fees go up to $1600, so that 10% could cover part or all of your invites. Or your tux rental. At least that’s how I think. Muckenthaler Mansion in Fullerton has a great deal, too, if you’re looking to get married like, NOW – book your wedding for either June 12th or June 19th, 2010 and receive 20% off food and beverage. Plus, Orange County still charges only 8.75% tax, so, you know…think about it. Or, if you really want a beach wedding, Avila Lighthouse Suites in Ventura is offering a 15% discount on Sundays, plus you can bring your own catering and alcohol. Remember to mention Here Comes The Guide when you contact them.

The Ivory Suite Boutique
in Pasadena is having a trunk show of Lee-Ann Belter’s new dress collection this Saturday and Sunday, and offering 10% off the gown of your choice. You have to make an appointment, so give them a call at 626.799.2991.

You’re welcome!

I’m going to have to cut this a little short, but I’ll be back tomorrow to tell you all about the events coming up this weekend. Many, many events, one of which (look to your right) I’m going to be at. Would love to see you there! Much,much more tomorrow.

See you at the end of the aisle,

Liz Coopesmith
Silver Charm Events

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