Wedding Wise Wednesday – October 27th

Every Wednesday I post the best wedding stories, deals and events in Los Angeles and around the web. And we call it Wedding Wise Wednesday. Welcome!

Cool Wedding Thing of the Week:

Over at Project Wedding, athena85 sent her wedding invitation to both Disneyworld and Disneyland, and got a certificate of congratulations from Cinderella and Prince Charming AND a signed picture from Mickey and Minnie. I have an annual passport to Disneyland, so I got a cool squee out of this. I wonder what would happen if you sent your invite to Lucasfilm…or Apple!

The Events:

Wednesday, October 27th
Teleclass – What You Don’t Know About Your Wedding: Venues
Join me tonight on this week’s teleclass, when I talk to Erin Baagson from Calamigos Ranch on the ins and out of booking your wedding venue, and managing your choice afterward. What do you need to ask and what do you need to know? Click on the link to register and get the call-in number. This is going to be fun…

Sunday, October 31
ExpoBridal’s 3rd Annual Fall Bridal show at the Universal Hilton
11:00am – 3:00pm
Universal City Hilton-Los Angeles
555 Universal Hollywood Dr
Universal City, CA 91608
Tickets: $7 with online registration PLUS one free guest

The Deals:

Free Wedding Videography – Just got a heads-up on a local videographer who is breaking into Wedding World and needs some samples. She’s offering FREE videography for your wedding, shooting and editing, if you agree to let her use it on her website. The catch? Your wedding has to be by the end of this year, and it has to be in Los Angeles. Email me at to get the details. First come, first served, so GO.

Get Groupon-like deals on Broke-Ass Bride-approved gear with the new Broke-Ass Bargain Bash! Deals only last a few days,and she’s sporting some outrageous bargains, so click and sign up to get first dibs.

If you’re still looking for the perfect pair of wedding shoes, you can save 20% sitewide at and get free shipping by using the code FALLSHOES. But you only have until Friday, 10/29.

The Knot
is offering 20% off “Bride’s Favorites” – Guest Book Frames, Name Change Kits, Gift card boxes, bubbles. Pretty good prices, too.

See you at the end of the aisle (and on the call tonight, too),

Liz Coopersmith
Silver Charm Events

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