Wedding Wise Weekly – April 23

Every Wednesday, I bring you the best wedding stories, events and deals in Los Angeles and from around the web. And we call it Wedding Wise Wednesday. Welcome!

Cool Wedding Thing of the Week:

I really can’t get over string heart mural that Raewyn made for her wedding on Saturday, so I tracked down the instructions on Green Wedding Shoes for you. You’re welcome!

The Events:

Sunday, April 27th

Lots of stuff going on in (562):

11AM – 3:00PM
Holiday Inn Long Beach Bridal Expo
2640 N Lakewood Blvd Long Beach, CA 90815
Long Beach, CA 90815
Admission: Free

12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Open House for the Modern Bride
Wedding Store 24
18514 Pioneer Blvd.
Artesia, CA 90701
A wedding open house in little India – caterers, photographers, cake, decor and DJ all in one place!
Admission: Free, please rsvp to or call (562) 366-3649

The Deals:

Wedding Chicks – Get 10% off your feather pin or bridal hair comb order from Etsy shop Luxuryinthemaking when you use the code WDCHICKS.

That’s Pinteresting:

My article, A Week in the Life of a Wedding Planner, has been pinned 48 times this week! I looked it over, and it’s still really good advice, even if is (sigh) riddled with typos:

“Flowers. One of the reasons I picked this florist is that she owns a flower shop. As in, people walk in from the street and buy arrangements from her. So, she always has a big supply of flowers and vases on hand, and she’s pretty flexible as far as pricing. Good for the baby shower, because even though I want to go simple, I also wanted to see what’s possible in the “simple” category. Good for my bride, because she could see the stuff she’d found on the internet, live. Manzanita branches with orchids hanging from them? Check. Small wood boxes filled with pink roses? Check. If you’re looking for quick, simple, or specific, try a flower shop.”

How To Decorate Your Wedding With Twinkle Lights, from my board, Hiding the Ugly at Your Wedding, has been pinned 28 times this week. There’s a very cool macrame backdrop on that board, too, so check it out.

See you at the end of the aisle,

Liz Coopersmith
Silver Charm Events

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