Wedding World 2010 – The Wrap Up Continues
Posted: December 28, 2010
That went quick.
Like I said in my newsletter and in my post last week on The Broke Ass Bride, it’s been quite a year in Wedding World. Here’s another article I wrote about my all time favorite wedding stuff. And, HEY! Let me know in the comments what your favorite wedding thing was this year, for a chance to win a pass for up to 5 people to a Bride World Expo in January. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to eat free cake…
I love my job. It’s a great gig. Think about it – I get to help people create one of the coolest days of their lives – an atmosphere of fun and joy and love, with shopping, and food, and cocktails along the way. I’ve made some great friends, had some great experiences, and I am never, ever bored. And when it’s over, I just can’t wait to do it again.
These are a few of my favorite things…
Stuff You Guys Come Up With:
When I saw this cake at one of my first weddings (“Does this veil clash with my leotard?), I knew I had picked the right profession. I love how each couple puts their personal touch on their day. Parasols and popcorn “bars”. Guests singing the bride down the aisle. The Groom formally introducing the pie they served instead of cake. Navy honor guards. Salted caramels from the couple’s home state (life-changing!). Beach side Indian weddings. Beach side Mariachi bands. Comicon, for crying out loud. And you don’t even want to know how many songs on my ipod come from weddings I’ve done. Thanks, y’all.
Stuff Wedding World Comes Up With
This is an incredibly creative and innovative industry and wedding inspiration is constantly popping up. Wedding World is always showing up with new ideas and new ways to package “old’ ideas (see the awesomeness to the left). Happiness isn’t just a rice-krispie cake (although it’s a good place to start), it’s wedding e-vites, and being able to put a house down payment on your registry. Plant-able invitations. The glory of having your choice of pre-owned Vera Wangs. Online wedding expos. An iphone app to find the perfect engagement ring. Videocasting your ceremony to the other side of the world. And when was the last time you saw a wedding pic that took your breath away? Like, an hour ago?? It just keeps getting better and better.
Stuff I Just Love
In no particular order: The look on her face when she finally finds the dress. A full and rockin’ dance floor at the reception. Getting a picture at the end of the night with the bride and groom. Signature drinks. Candy favors. When the invitations are officially in the mail and no one has to cut, copy, paste or align anything ever again. Watching a couple laughing their heads off with their best friends. Answering the question, “Can we?” with, “Well, yeah.” And my number one favorite thing, ever? The first time the groom sees the bride as she walks down the aisle. Because it all comes down to the two of them, and how special they each are, and how special they are to each other. That’s what it’s all about.
So, what do you absolutely, straight-out love about weddings? And what was the one thing you loved this year? Because I’m pretty sure I forgot something.
See you at the end of the aisle,
Liz Coopersmith
Silver Charm Events
Ready to get started? Tell me more about you and your wedding.