(What A) Wedding Planner Needs
Posted: March 9, 2010
So, at least twice a month, every month, I get a phone call or an email: “Are you hiring? Do you have an internship program?” I do take on interns during the summer (fyi), but I’m not hiring right now, and it’s a little frustrating, not being able to send them to someone that cn help them get started. When I started my own business, I’d already been an event coordinator for over a decade, and planned my own wedding the year before, so I figured I was all set. Yeah,not exactly. And, there weren’t that many resources out there for newbie wedding planners, and no one was really willing to give me advice, which meant a lot of learning by trial and error. Learning by trial and error? Sucks. You know what’s better? Learning by experience, even if it’s someone else’s, right now. Having someone to shoot an email to or a phone call,when you want to help your bride to the best of your ability (as we all do),and you’re not quite sure how to do that. And thus www.weddingplannerneeds.com was born. There’s an informational session about the coaching program on Saturday, March 20th at T-Lofts, so if you…or anyone you know is interested, RSVP and drop by.
Ready to get started? Tell me more about you and your wedding.