Your Cool Wedding Idea Could Win You A $25 iTunes Card

Ah, my first contest. So, I was on Hidden Los Angeles’s Facebook page, and a future bride posted that she was looking for a wedding venue that would allow her to have a pie fight on the premises, a la Bugsy Malone, Blazzing Saddles, and my favorite, Dr. Strangelove. Awesome idea, and she got about 70 suggestions, all of which I tucked away for future reference. And it got me to thinking about all the great wedding ideas I’ve helped fulfill since I started my business – the ice rink wedding, complete with skaters and dancers, the wedding at the Santa Barbara zoo, with the lions roaring in the background. Heck, the wedding that had to be planned in 6 weeks (no, not for THAT reason The luau wedding with three bands at Griffith Park with (groom on drums),the one with pie instead of cake, the one with a web feed, the one with the traditional Chinese dancers, complete with the 8 foot paper dragon bowing to the bride and groom.

So, what’s YOUR cool, out-of the box idea for your wedding? Post it in the comments below, and I’ll give you tips on how to pull it off. On Wednesday, comment on my wedding Wise Wednesday post, too, letting me know what your favorite tip of the week is or, if you haven’t gotten around to posting your coolness, do it there. THEN on Friday, leave a comment on my weekly guest post on Broke Ass Bride. That’s three posts, I know. On Monday, I’ll pick the winner, and your idea will be featured on the blog, with even more suggestions on how to pull it off.

So, whaddya got? I can’t wait to see what YOUR wedding is going to look like!

Ready to get started? Tell me more about you and your wedding.

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